Events, Clubs And Sanctioning Bodies
Dayton Slots - Dayton, Ohoi-area slot car racing.
ECHORR - East Coast HO Road Racing - Home of the ECHORR Challenge, an East Coast T-jet race that rivals the Fray in Ferndale in attendance.
Fray in Ferndale, The - The pinnacle of modified Aurora Thunderjet racing since 1997.
HOCOC - The HO Circuit of Champions, a mostly East Coast sanctioning body and home of the National Sportsman Championship.
HOPAC - Washington state-based HO racing organization.
HOPRA - The HO Professional Racing Association. Founded in 1975. There are many subdivisions of HOPRA including in Florida, Illinois/Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Japan.
ISCS - The Indy Slot Car Series. HO scale Indy car racing when the full size cars are off season.
IRRA - The International Retro Racing Association. A 1/24 scale retro racing sanctioning body.
ISRA - International Slot Racing Association. Primarily 1/32 and 1/24 scale racing.
MAHOR - Mid-America HO Racing. Kansas City-based "Home of pancake motor performance."
MARC - Miniature Auto Racing Club. New England-based slot car racers.
MASCAR - The Miniature Auto Slot Car Association of Racers. Racing the gamut, from T-jets to modern magnet cars.
NORCAL/SCRA - The Northern California Slot Car Racing Association. Primarily 1/24 scale stuff.
QCHORS - Queen City HO Racing Series, a Cincinnati, Ohio centered group who race mostly Magnatraction cars.
UFHORA - United Federation of HO Racers Association.
US G-Jet Grand Prix - An annual race for the BSRT G-Jet car.
USRA - United Slot Racers Association. Mostly 1/24 scale racing.
WISCRS - Western Illinois Slot Car Racers Society.
WPSCC - Western Pennsylvania Slot Car Club.
ECHORR - East Coast HO Road Racing - Home of the ECHORR Challenge, an East Coast T-jet race that rivals the Fray in Ferndale in attendance.
Fray in Ferndale, The - The pinnacle of modified Aurora Thunderjet racing since 1997.
HOCOC - The HO Circuit of Champions, a mostly East Coast sanctioning body and home of the National Sportsman Championship.
HOPAC - Washington state-based HO racing organization.
HOPRA - The HO Professional Racing Association. Founded in 1975. There are many subdivisions of HOPRA including in Florida, Illinois/Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Japan.
ISCS - The Indy Slot Car Series. HO scale Indy car racing when the full size cars are off season.
IRRA - The International Retro Racing Association. A 1/24 scale retro racing sanctioning body.
ISRA - International Slot Racing Association. Primarily 1/32 and 1/24 scale racing.
MAHOR - Mid-America HO Racing. Kansas City-based "Home of pancake motor performance."
MARC - Miniature Auto Racing Club. New England-based slot car racers.
MASCAR - The Miniature Auto Slot Car Association of Racers. Racing the gamut, from T-jets to modern magnet cars.
NORCAL/SCRA - The Northern California Slot Car Racing Association. Primarily 1/24 scale stuff.
QCHORS - Queen City HO Racing Series, a Cincinnati, Ohio centered group who race mostly Magnatraction cars.
UFHORA - United Federation of HO Racers Association.
US G-Jet Grand Prix - An annual race for the BSRT G-Jet car.
USRA - United Slot Racers Association. Mostly 1/24 scale racing.
WISCRS - Western Illinois Slot Car Racers Society.
WPSCC - Western Pennsylvania Slot Car Club.