Forums and Informational Sites
HO-Tips - A site and forum with videos, pictures and tips for HO scale cars.
HobbyTalk - A forum for many hobbies. This link takes you directly to the slot car forums.
Home Racing World - 10+ years of slot car information. Covers all scales.
JLM Racing - Inline hardbody racing and information.
LASCM - The Los Angeles Slot Car Museum
NTRA Drag Racing Stuff - A bunch on information about HO drag racing including techniques and setup sheets.
Planet of Speed - Not just slot cars.
SARN slot blog - Scale Auto Racing Network's slot car blog.
Scratchbuilt - Scratch built slot cars of all scales.
Slotblog! - HO, 1/32 and 1/24 scale forums and information. Race calendar, reports and tips. Covers vintage and contemporary cars.
Slot Car Illustrated - Covers all aspects of the hobby.
Slot Cars So Cal - Southern California slot car racing action.
Slot Talk - Old Weird Herald's long-running forum.