Mitch Valder posted to the HOWL (HO World List on Yahoo! Groups) that there are odds on the Fray on Sportswire. Some of the odds seem a little skewed to me, but I'm no bookie. This has generate a lot of responses and speculation. First of all, the question came up as to the authenticity of the odds. It has been generally credited as Mitch's humor (good one, Mitch). Some of the comments have been about beer, disqualifications, beer, additions and omissions from the list. It's a good lighthearted way to head into a great race.
I put my money on the trifecta of fun, camaraderie and exciting competition. I think that's a 1:1 bet. No money won or lost, but something much greater earned.
Got anyone you'd like to add to the odds makers? Leave a comment.
Mitch posted:
"Pulled this list off of Sportswire. Couple of names missing. Maybe they signed up late.
Motorsports - Fray Ferndale
Odds to win the Individual event Friday, Mar 2
Driver Odds
Rick Jocham 2:1
RC Lincoln 2:1
Walter McClurg 6:1
Greg Davis 6:1
Travis Joop 6:1
Trek Lawler 8:1
Richard Phillis 8:1
Jeff Hurley 8:1
Curtis Adams 10:1
Mike Engelage 12:1
Rick Voegelin 12:1
Steve Godinez 12:1
Bill Lee 12:1
Steve Testerman 12:1
Mark Owyang 12:1
Jamie Jorgensen 12:1
Tim Leppert 12:1
Ron Coaxum 12:1
Rick Machado 15:1
Glen Schneiderman 25:1
Bob Raymond 30:1"